At The B20 Summit Supported By CII Discussed Artificial Technology Can Be A Crucial Tool For The Human Society That Enhanced Productivity

Artificial Technology Can Be A Crucial Tool For The Human Society

In the B20 Summit, India (New Delhi) 2023 organized by CII, the leaders of the summit said AI can change the way of working, increase productivity and reduce the cost for many businesses.

At the summit, IBM Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Arvind Krishna said

Inside IBM, we think about 20% of the total activity, which we call lower order cognitive work, about 30% of that can be easily made productive through AI. That frees up more people to do more value-adding work. It’s not that there aren’t jobs. If you have productivity then you can access way more clients. You can provide things at a lower cost point,

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the world rapidly. In the major IT sectors of the economy, AI made its presence and created a great Impact. Not only the IT sector but also become a game changer in various sectors globally.

At the B20 Summit, 2023 talked about the opportunities and the future of AI that creates many open doors as well as challenges. At the B20 Summit, they referred to AI as one of the biggest technological breakthroughs for humanity.

And they also spoke about how exciting as well as useful Artificial Intelligence is. How to implement AI in every sector where they can boost their productivity with the AI. However, there is also a negative side of AI mentioned in the discussion of B20 Summit, 2023.

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