How To Register A Company In Ukraine?

Company In Ukraine

Ukraine’s burgeoning economy and focus on foreign investment make it an attractive location for entrepreneurs. Whether you’re a seasoned businessperson or embarking on your first venture, understanding the company registration process is crucial. This comprehensive guide outlines the steps involved, empowering you to navigate the legalities and successfully establish your company in Ukraine.

Choosing Your Business Structure

The first step is selecting the most suitable legal entity for your company. Here are the most common options for foreign investors:

Limited Liability Company (LLC): This is the most popular choice due to its simplicity and clear separation of personal and business assets. It requires at least one founder (individual or legal entity) and has a minimum authorized capital requirement of UAH 1 (Ukrainian Hryvnia) (as of April 18, 2024, the exchange rate is approximately $0.03).

Joint-Stock Company (JSC):  This structure is suited for larger businesses seeking to raise capital through the issuance of shares. It requires at least one shareholder and has a minimum authorized capital requirement of UAH 1250 (approximately $38).

Sole Proprietorship:  This option suits small, individual-run businesses. However, the owner holds personal liability for all company debts. Before starting the registration process get help from a professional Ukrainian lawyer.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Structure:

For single-ownership company registration in Ukraine, an LLC is ideal. For multiple founders, an LLC or JSC might be suitable.

Liability Protection:  LLCs offer a clear separation of personal and business assets, whereas sole proprietorships do not.

Capital Requirements:  JSCs have a higher minimum authorized capital requirement than LLCs.

Taxation:  Tax implications may vary depending on the chosen structure. Consult a tax advisor for specific details.

The Registration Process: Step-by-Step

Once you’ve selected your business structure, the official registration process can begin. Here’s a breakdown of the key steps:

1. Name Reservation:

Conduct a name search to ensure your desired company name is available.

Submit an application for name reservation with the State Registration Service of Ukraine.

2. Prepare Registration Documents:

This document outlines the company’s name, structure, purpose, authorized capital, management structure, and other key details.

Founders’ Agreement (For LLCs): This agreement outlines the rights and obligations of each founder regarding capital contributions, profit sharing, and decision-making.

Memorandum of Association (For JSCs): This document defines the rights and obligations of shareholders.

Documents of the Founders (Individuals): These include copies of passports and residence permits for foreign founders.

3. Register Online or Through a Notary:

Ukraine offers a simplified online registration process for LLCs with standard charters.

More complex structures or those requiring customization may require registration through a Ukrainian notary public.

4. Authorized Capital Contribution:

Deposit the minimum authorized capital amount into a newly opened corporate bank account in Ukraine.

5. State Fee Payment:

Pay the state registration fee, which varies depending on the chosen structure.

6. Obtain Company Registration Certificate:

Upon successful completion of the process, you will receive a company registration certificate, officially recognizing your business entity.

Additional Considerations:

After company registration, register with the Ukrainian tax authorities for tax identification purposes.

Accounting and Banking: Set up a corporate bank account establish a bookkeeping system and set up a Ukraine payroll system in compliance with Ukrainian regulations.

Seeking Professional Assistance

While the online registration process is becoming increasingly streamlined, navigating legalities and intricacies can be complex. Consider seeking assistance from:

Lawyers:  A lawyer specializing in Ukrainian business law can guide you through the registration process, ensure compliance with legal requirements, and address any specific questions you might have.

Accounting Firms:  An accounting firm can assist with establishing your accounting system, managing payroll, and ensuring adherence to Ukrainian tax regulations.

The Benefits of Registering a Company in Ukraine

Ukraine offers a number of advantages for foreign businesses:

Simplified Registration Process: The online registration system for LLCs simplifies the process.

Favorable Tax Environment:  Ukraine offers competitive corporate tax rates and tax incentives for certain industries and activities.

Skilled Workforce:  Ukraine boasts a large pool of well-educated and talented professionals.

Strategic Location:  Ukraine’s location provides access to a vast European and Central Asian market.


With careful planning, the right guidance, and a comprehensive understanding of the process, registering a company in Ukraine can be a rewarding experience. This guide has equipped you with the essential information to navigate the legalities and embark on your entrepreneurial journey in this dynamic country.

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