

How To Change Xbox Gamertag?

The Xbox Gamertags are awesome and it help you to be different from the crowd and make your unique identity in the online gaming world. If you want to change your username or Gamertag but don’t know how to change Xbox gamertag then read this article. In this article, I’ll

xbox keeps turning off

Why Does My Xbox Keep Turning Off?

Imagine you are playing games on your Xbox and suddenly it turned off by itself. Now you are angry as well as confused why does my Xbox keep turning off? So, let me tell you there are several reasons that can cause your Xbox console or your Xbox controller to

Razer Blade 16

Razer Blade 16: Review, Price, Features, and Many More

How can we ignore the beast in the market “Razer” when looking for gaming gadgets, laptops, or smartphones? Razer introduced their new laptop the Razer Blade 16 release date announced on June 14, 2023, with a powerful processor of 2.2 GHz Intel Core i9 24-Core (13th Gen)32 GB superfast DDR5

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