Biocentrism Debunked: A Critical Viewpoint Of This Controversial Theory

Biocentrism strongly believes in the theory that life creates the universe and not the other way around. It is also an ethical viewpoint which gives equal value to all of the living beings.

In this article, we will be exploring Biocentrism debunked theories and more about it. Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about the same!

What Does The Biocentrism Theory Entail?

The main idea that drives Biocentrism is the fact that moral responsibility goes way beyond human beings and includes the whole of the natural world. 

The first person to coin the term was in the 1970s, by a man named Richard Sylvan. At the same time, it is also to be stated that the philosophical roots of this go back way further as well. 

Biocentrism Principle

The Biocentrism principle states that – the universe only exists because an entity consciously observes it. This particular philosophy is deeply and very actively influenced by the “observer’s effect”. 

An observer’s effect refers to the act of “observing” and how it affects the observed phenomenon. This idea, after it gets applied to the macrocosmic universe, is going to lead to the bicentric claim that the universe only exists because conscious life is observing it.

The core principles of “Biocentrism” primarily revolve around the intrinsic value of living things, regardless of which species they belong to. It is also opposed to the anthropocentric views which place human beings as the center of morality, and also advocates a more egalitarian view where all kinds of life forms are viewed to be equal.

Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about Biocentrism “debunked”!

Interconnectedness Of Universe, Life, & Everything Else

Biocentrism is known to make a very bold claim about the nature of space, reality, and time. It actively suggests that the universe has been a result of our conscious stream only. 

Their perspective actively challenges our understanding of space and time and everything that we know – based on scientific evidence.

It makes us rethink our stream of consciousness.

When on the topic of “Biocentrism Debunked”, it is also essential that we discuss some of the popular myths that surround this theory. Here is a list of some of the popular myths related to the theory of Biocentrism and some counter-scientific evidence to oppose them:

1. Biocentrism Theory Is Scientific In Nature

This is one of the most common myths surrounding the Biocentrism theory stating that it is backed up by scientific evidence – but that is simply untrue!

Biocentrism is not scientific in any way to put it lightly.

What happens is that scientific theories get backed up by empirical evidence – which is the data that gets collected through experimentation and observation. The Biocentrism theory on the other hand is philosophical and is solely based on metaphysical speculations.

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2. Biocentrism Is In Alignment With Sustainability

There are a few proponents of the theory who state that they are compatible with both sustainability and compatibility. This also includes the usage of natural resources in a way which also preserves them for future generations. However, this is not true as well.

Sustainability requires a nuanced approach and also at the same time considers the complex connections between the natural world and humans.

3. It Actively Challenges Reductionism

Reductionism refers to the idea that active systems can be understood by further breaking them down into components. 

The claim that Biocentrism actively challenges reductionism is completely untrue as it does not in any way challenge the basic principles of reductionism.

4. Biocentrism As A ‘Theory Of Everything’

A common myth of the Biocentrism theory is that it actively provides a theory of everything. The theory of Biocentrism is not a basis for a theory of everything in its traditional sense. While it is true that it certainly can be seen as a complement to the other theories. For instance, Biocentrism can only be seen as a way of mending the gap between both matter and mind.  

Additionally, it can also be seen as a way of reconciling all of the findings of modern physics with the daily experiences that we get of the world.

Loopholes In This Theory

The theory of Biocentrism asserts that both time and space are our mental constructs which are created by our consciousness only. This sort of claim is directly in conflict with all of the scientifically observed phenomena and theories that describe them. 

There have been a whole lot of observations and experiments conducted like time dilation and gravitational lenses which have proved the ‘Relativity Theory’ proposed by Einstein. The aforementioned theory has also given us a modern understanding of both time and space. Additionally, the passage and space of time also continue to exist still in the absence of observers.

The theory of Biocentrism further fails to support the claim that both “life” and “consciousness” are the only fundamental forces of the universe. While both Life and Consciousness are remarkable phenomena, claiming they are fundamental forces like electromagnetism and gravity is untrue without any evidence to the biocentrism biocentrism debunked theory. 

To Wrap It Up!

Biocentrism might provide a unique form of perspective on life while emphasizing the role of perception and consciousness. But there’s also a serious lack of evidence which leads to a lot of conflict with this proposed theory. Hence, it becomes very critical to approach the theory of Biocentrism with a very critical mind – taking into consideration both its pros and cons. 

Thank you for reading this article up till the end. I hope you found the information regarding “Biocentrism debunked” useful.

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